Monday 24 March 2014

Beads of Truth 3/74

Group consciousness is a must. Individual consciousness must come to group consciousness. Group consciousness leads to universal consciousness.

Yogi Bhajan - The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

Meditating in class, at a workshop or alone at home are all great ways to "clear the junk of the mind". Getting together in our local Kundalini communities, sharing with others or participating in the monthly KRI meditations and global meditations, all bring us closer to universal consciousness ... I'm on day eight of a meditation we began in class last week - "Healing the Physical, Mental and Spiritual Bodies" ... It's real "central nervous system control therapy". You can choose to utilise the mantra "Har, Haray, Haree, Wahe Guru", during this meditation and I know it's that connection with the sound current that has got me through these initial days, especially when my arms begin to shake in those final couple of minutes!

You can find this meditation on pg 37 of "Self Experience" -  what's your current meditation? Share your meditation experiences by commenting below.

Sat nam Jayne

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