Monday 17 November 2014

Mudras & Class Communication

So, we know that Kundalini is the "yoga of awareness" and "angles & triangles", but what about mudras???
Mudras or hand positions / seals have connections to our brain and the planets, with each finger movement we move towards a greater awareness and aid the reprogramming of our inner ccircuitry.
We begin class with the hands at the heart centre, pressed together in prayer mudra - connecting to the breath, sound vibration and neutralising male/female energies ... then in every settling moment we sit with the hands on the knees in gyan mudra - for knowledge of the inner self ... bring your awareness to the mudras utilised in class this week and see where it takes you...

All class/workshop update: last few for 2014...

Tuesdays: 6:30 - 7:45pm, Junction 1 Fitness, High Street, West Bromwich, B70 6JT
Fortnightly - Next session November 25th and last one for the year on December 9th

Wednesdays: 7 - 8:15pm, Sandon High School, Sandon Road, Meir, ST3 7DF
Next session November 19th, 26th and December 3rd & 10th

Thursdays: 6:30 - 7:45pm, My Vitality Hub, 46 Windermere Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 9DF
Weekly -
Next session November 20th, 27th and December 4th, 11th & 18th

Saturdays: 10:15 - 12:45, Ishta Centre, Stone, ST15 8HD
Last Saturday of the month 

Limited places remain for November 29th (Final one for 2014)

Saturdays: 5:30-8:30pm
"Wheel of the Year"  at
Friends Meeting House, 8b Summerfield Road, Wolverhampton, WV1 4PR
Final one for 2014 - 20th December: celebrating with "bring and share" 
vegetarian food

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