Monday 24 March 2014

You're Welcome ...
Following another wonderful workshop at Eubotic Health & Holistic Clinic on Saturday, it seemed the right time to take all the subtle hints and start connecting with my fellow yoginis/yogis outside our class time in this "virtual space".

The workshop explored "Growth & Healing", through Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of awareness: an ancient technology utilising Kriya (conscious movement, pranayam, meditation and relaxation). It's part of a series of workshops I'm delivering this year in conjunction with my soul sister Niki from Yoga Heaven - we'll be back on May 3rd to celebrate, connect and embrace life; so if you're interested in finding out more about Kundalini Yoga, or already a regular practitioner feel free to contact me for more information. 

Coming up this week are the usual set of evening classes in West Bromwich, Stoke and Wolverhampton (Tues, Weds and Thurs - 6.30 until 7.45pm), culminating with the monthly (every last Saturday) workshop at the Ishta Centre, Stone, Staffs (pre-booking required), where we will be practising a Kriya for the lotus of the throat; working on the thyroid, parathyroid, thymus and  immune system - working towards hearing and speaking your truth.

In the meantime, why not join in with the KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) Meditation of the month?

Looking forward to seeing you on your mat again soon
Sat nam


  1. Hi Jayne

    An excellent set last night at your Meir class.

    Sat Nam
    Howard Cath and Laura

    1. "Opportunity and Green Energy" - perfect for opening the heart and attracting new opportunities. Great to see you all back on your mats this week.
      Sat nam

  2. Just want to say thanks for the link to Nirvair's March meditation. I could not understand why I feel MORE stressed and depressed with the sunshine, not full of the joys at all. So it makes sense for me.

    1. Thanks for the comment B... check out the April KRI meditation
