Thursday 27 March 2014

Communication is key to "expression" and that's the theme of this months energetickxchange  Workshop at the Ishta Centre, Stone, this Saturday (March 29th). Prebooking is essential and with only one place remaining, you'll need to act quickly if it's going to have your name on it!
My good friend/fellow Kundalini Yogini Barbara (SimplyB Yoga) and I "tag team" teach at the venue and I'll be on the mat this month - we may even surprise you and "team teach" in the not too distant future... Contact Barbara or myself for bookings; as April is almost full already...

If you're looking to combine your Kundalini Yoga practice with a beautiful May Spring Break to Paxos, also check out SimplyB.
Or for another opportunity to get away and deepen your practise with Harijiwan, a revered master of Kundalini Yoga, this June, visit 

After class at Eubotic tonight (Circulation Kriya), I was asked about forthcoming "Gong Baths" -
Yogi Bhajan says: "The gong is the first and last instrument for the human mind; there is only one thing that can supersede and command the human mind, the sound of the gong. It is the first sound in the Universe, the sound that created this Universe. It's the basic creative sound. To the mind, the sound of the gong is like a mother and father that gave it birth. The mind has no power to resist a gong that is well played."

So here's a link to Phil at RESOUND 

Sat nam Jx


  1. Lovely to see your blog and welcome to blogger. VVx

    1. Thanks for the welcome VV - looking forward to reading more of your vegan food reviews at
