Monday 6 October 2014

Getting Ready for Morning Sadhana

This coming weekend we'll be waking before the sunrise for Morning Sadhana but really the preparation begins the night before. It's great to get an early night and lay out your whites, knowing that your head can be clear from the morning "rush around" before you settle down on your mat for Kriya and the Aquarian Sadhana Mantras begin.

If you're unsure of the mantras, you can find them here at:

And as it's the 10th Anniversary of Yogi Bhajans passing, if you can't make it to a class or the retreat this week, why not join in with the global celebration by visiting:

See you on your mat again soon
Satnam Jayne


  1. What a wonderful weekend. The venue was fantastic, food delicious courtesy of Lorraine and Jayne. Great company and of course beautiful Kriyas and Sadhana Mantras. Thank you Jayne and Barbara.
    Sat Nam
